Torches, Chambers, and Nebulizers

Lato Scientific Glassworks manufactures ICP and ICP-MS Torches, Chambers, and Nebulizers and distributes them through the following:

Elemental Scientific
7277 World Communications Drive
Omaha, NE 68122
Manufacturers/Suppliers of MicroFlow PFA sample introduction kits for ICP and ICP-MS.

USA Distributors of Lato Scientific Glassworks and other lab consumable products:

Meinhard Glass Products
700 Corporate Circle, Ste D
Golden, CO 80401 USA
1-800-Meinhard (1-800-63464273)
Manufacturers of the Meinhard Nebulizers, and now carry a complete line of ICP and ICP-MS consumables.

Lato Scientific Glassworks